Please enter your promo code in the box at the start of the booking process or you can enter in the box under your shopping basket. If you add the promo code after you have searched for your flights, please press search again to ensure your code has been applied. You should also see a discount amount in your shopping basket. If the code is not valid a message will be displayed to advise this.
Articles in this section
- Are pets permitted on Blue Islands flights?
- Where is my Ticket?
- How do I make a new booking with Blue Skies Points?
- How do I use a Promo Code to claim my discount?
- How do I use my Blue Islands Credit Voucher to pay for my booking?
- What Credit and Debit cards do you accept?
- Can I make a group bookings?
- How to book a solo young person between 12 and 16?
- Is there a flight timetable?
- What routes does Blue Islands operate?